Tânia Raquel Sousa – Real Estate Consultant

My name is Tânia, I’m 33 years old and about a year ago I decided to take up real estate.

I had never worked in this area before and it was all very new to me.

It has been an extremely rewarding journey, with a lot of learning and personal and professional growth. I have the pleasure of being part of a team that supports me in all my difficulties and needs, and a family that supports my choices 100%

Working in real estate isn’t easy, nor is it made up of luck. We face challenges every day, some of them self-imposed… Because we are the “masters” of our time and schedule. It requires persistence, resilience, focus and an enormous capacity for managing frustration and resolving “setbacks” (which I personally like to call “major challenges”). But when we are resilient and patient on our path, we get the greatest reward of all… which is changing the lives of those who cross our path, our clients, who often become friends.

It’s a job that recognizes our effort, our commitment and our dedication.”

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